Null Point Concept Zine – Fire

A short Zine published bi-monthly this issue focuses on: Fire
price 0.50p
The Null Point manifesto:
This is not about you, this is about your idea. This is not about your name, this is about the idea. This is not about profit, it is about an idea.
Null Point is a bi-monthly print edition Zine which makes no profit and costs the creator their time and money to produce, it is the intellectual equivalent of buying a cup of coffee, having your nails done or reading a tabloid news paper.
It not only is available for just the cost of postage but accepts submissions from the public every issue to join in the collaboration.
Null Point was started as nothing, as an idea for expressing, for creating work and publishing into the world which is saturated with messages and slogans, photos and art; which is paid for but says nothing.
Everything within an issue says something, something about its creator, their situation and their thoughts and feelings on their world at hand. However at the same time they are unknown, they are hidden and so the message is unattached and interpretative allowing it to be accessible for all.
You may hate it, you may love it but in the end it is just what it is, an expression, a null point.
Zine was added to the site in good faith, the creator of the zine retains all rights to the image and content if you would like your work removed please contact us and we will get it taken down ASAP