Beautiful china Zine

It’s a collector’s postcard-sized zine, measuring 4×6-inches, with full color front and back: image and text on the front, and black and rose-colored(“angry magenta”) text on the back.
There is no room to write a mailing address on it.
It is a keepsake that you can scrapbook or add to your wall.
It’s based on authentic experiences written by my friend CUJO, when they lived in Cheng-du, China in the late 1990’s.
Fanminnetastic are a small publishing zine distro based out in Minnesota publishing mainly small single fold Zines on topics such as art, travel, lgbtq, perzine, diy.
Zine was added to the site in good faith, the creator of the zine retains all rights to the image and content if you would like your work removed please contact us and we will get it taken down ASAP.