Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my Zine or Zines on the site?

To submit a Zine please head to the submission page where you can submit your zines. Make sure to submit them with as much information as possible as this helps speed up the process of getting them collated.

Is this free?

Yes. No money is charged for submission or hosting of Zines, this is a not for profit initiative and is funded privately by the founder.

Do you not have to charge for commerce?

No. Coke-oven is not a commerce platform it simply collects and catalogues links to the creators so no money passes through this site. All commerce transations are handled via whatever platform the creator provides us with when they submit and any issues with orders for zines from them should be handled through those platforms as well. This is just a directory.

How do I get these zines?

Simply find a zine you want, open its page and follow the store links provided. Store links are provided by the artists when they submit their work so only lead to where the creators request. This will likely be a commerce site such as Etsy, Bigcartel, Ebay, NuMonday or even directly from the artist themself.

Your site links to a dead end?

If you find a link which leads no where or a creative who is no longer active simply click the report dead link button and we’ll look to get the link/content updated or removed.

Who's in charge here?

Coke-Oven was founded, funded and is maintained by Graham Cooling (Yelling at Concrete) you can find out more about him on Facebook, Instagram , Youtube and

Why Coke Oven?

A basic explanation:

A Coke Oven is an industrial construct used to “cook” coal to take it from being a basic raw material into Coke which is a raw material used within the steel industry.

At its very basic level it is a process which is used for transforming a raw and initial idea into something more significant.

Zines at their basic level are an expression of raw forms and ideas processed through the medium of Zine. Whether it be through a personal journey of discovery, as a protest for a much larger cause or simply to scream out into the world of existence. They have been used throughout their history to take volatile and powerful expressions and solidify those ideas into a significant, shareable, inspiring and communicative forms.

And thus this site is a Coke Oven, a process through which you can find raw ideas transformed into the format of Zines and presented simply so you can access them.

If you would like to know more about the project please contact us via e-mail.

I don't want my work on your site, how do I get it removed?

That’s completely your right, if you do find your work has been added to the catalouge without your request (This happens during what we call “Sweeping” as we sweep the web to find zines off our own backs as well as them being submitted). 

Simply e-mail us with a link to the content you want removing and your work will be removed and your name/content added to a safe list to prevent additions in the future. If you later change your mind you’ll need to e-mail us to get your name removed from said list which is also completely fine.

To prevent people getting other peoples work taken down (People can be malicious) if a request comes in from an e-mail not associated with the content which is being asked to be removed we will contact the original owners address to confirm the removal. So please try to use the e-mail we have listed for you as this will streamline the process.


How does your algorithm work?

We dont have one. This isn’t a pay for platform like FB/Insta or Etsy.

This is simply a directory zines are added in the order we process them and you can use the search and browse functions to find content most relevant to you.