So you’re interested in zines? GREAT! Hopefully this page can provide you with some starting points if you’re struggling to get going, resources should you need them from fantastic zine makers and writers and overall just a little hub space to help inspire you to creating your very own zines!

If you’d like a quick start and a template to work with click the button below and you’ll have a printable A4 template to get you started!

Books on Zines:

Zine history, creating advice and general knowledge on the medium.

A simple place to start, we’ve arranged a Goodreads list you can click through for many books on Zines and Zine history. This is by no means exhaustive but if you like to learn from texts this could be a way to get started! Also very open to people adding/suggesting books to add to the list as well.

If you are unable to own a copy of any you should remember you can add books to a library’s order list and they may order one for their collection to borrow!


If you’re unaware Reddit is a social media platform made up of Subreddits or micro forums in which people can share thoughts or ideas on their favourite topics. As with any public forum the levels of moderation vary on content, comments and posting so would suggest a cautious and open minded approach is taken to the platform. It can be a great resource for finding new zines and showing off your own as well as getting tips on creative practice and methods and the zine subreddit much like zine community is incredibly welcoming so wanted to give them a shout out as well as link some related groups!

Coming soon!

We’d love to put some links here for distro’s accross the world which help get zines published and printing resources so if you run or know of any please let us know!