Vulgar Vinyl Issue Two: Smash Hit Horrors

Vulgar Vinyl is a collection of paranormal parody illustrations by Shann Wahl and Melody Clark, two passionate enthusiasts of both music and all things haunted. Within the pages of these zines, classic album covers are swallowed and spat out by unearthed entities and monstrous apparitions. Much like hypnotic ditties in liquorice-black vinyl, these demons have been caught and ensnared on paper by our two artists.

Price:£9.00 (Not gift wrapped)

Vulgar Vinyl plays terrifying tributes to recording artists such as The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, Notorious B.I.G, The Supremes, Grace Jones and more!


Zine was added to the site in good faith, the creator of the zine retains all rights to the image and content if you would like your work removed please contact us and we will get it taken down ASAP